Take time off, quit the apartment, set the household goods and move onto a sailboat to sail across the oceans and head for unknown shores. Cruising in the Caribbeans, something for dreamers? Maybe. We are such dreamers. In April 2022 we bought a sailboat in the Caribbean and named her Mabul. Over the past few months, we have sailed northward from Grenada down the string of pearls and along the Greater Antilles toward Guatemala, where we are currently spending the hurricane season. Here we are preparing Mabul in the boatyard for the next big voyage: Crossing the Pacific next year. If you want to hear what we experience and who we meet on our journey, listen to our podcast “BoatCast Mabul” or read our blog. You can find the latest pictures in the gallery. Nice, you sail a little bit with us!

Caribbean greetings from Mabul!

Karin and Alex


  • Guna Yala
    San Blas – The Mystical Paradise of the Guna From Providencia, we’re cruising 270 nautical miles to San Blas, Panama. The archipelago consists of over 350 islands and islets and… Continue reading
  • Charming cocaine island
    On the nautical chart, you’ll only see Providencia if you zoom in very closely; that’s how tiny and charming the cocaine island is. Although Providencia belongs to Colombia, it’s much… Continue reading
  • Night ride through pirate territory
    After four and a half months at the shipyard in Guatemala, we leave. We are relieved and sad at the same time. Relieved that we can leave the heat, the… Continue reading

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  • Gallery – Bocas del Toro
    Finally, a weather window opens up that allows us to safely leave the atoll of Cayos Albuquerque without an engine, and we set sail. On the way, we are accompanied by a few birds that are still asleep when we drop anchor at eleven at night. There are lots of boat jobs to do here… Continue reading
  • Gallery – Cayos Albuquerque
    We say goodbye to Panama and set off for the Cayman Islands with our friend Lea. This is right on our planned route to the Bahamas and makes an ideal stopover. On the very first night, water spills into the forward bathroom in the middle of the night, so we sail to Cayos Albuquerque to… Continue reading
  • Gallery – Panama Canal
    Then plans change: We decide that we and Mabul are not yet ready for the Pacific and that we would stay one more season on the Caribbean side. Of course, we still keep our promise to be line handlers for SV My Motu during their Panama Canal transit. So we moor Mabul in the Turtle… Continue reading

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